Stop by to take a tour of our facilities, meet with one of our experienced professionals, and see for yourself why we take such pride in our beautiful and unique accommodations.
From the East (Sidney, MT)
Head West out of Sidney, MT on Highway 200. Proceed to Lewistown, MT. You will enter town on Main St. The first stop light is the corner of Main and 1st Ave. Proceed straight to 6th Ave. Creel Funeral Home is on the corner of Main and 6th, on your left.
From the North (Malta, MT)
Coming from Malta, MT and the Hi-line, take Highway 191 South and you will come into Lewistown to a flashing red light. Turn left onto 1st Ave. and proceed to Main St. Turn right onto Main St. and proceed to 6th Ave. Creel Funeral Home is on the corner of Main and 6th, on your left.
From the South (Big Timber, MT)
Head North out of Big Timber, MT on Highway 191. Proceed through Harlowton, MT and continue North until the junction with Highway 87/191 at Eddie's Corner. Turn right/East and proceed to Lewistown. You will come into town on Main St. Creel Funeral Home in on the corner of Main and 6th, on your right.
From the South (Billings, MT)
Head North out of Billings, MT on Highway 87. You will proceed through Roundup, MT until you reach Grass Range, MT. Turn left/West at Grass Range on Highway 87/200. You will come into Lewistown from the East on Main St. The first stop light will be the corner of Main St. and 1st Ave. Proceed straight to 6th Ave. Creel Funeral Home is on the corner of Main and 6th, on your left.
From the West (Great Falls, MT)
Head East out of Great Falls, MT on Highway 87. You will come into Lewistown on Main St. Proceed straight on Main until you reach 6th Ave. Creel Funeral Home is on the corner of Main and 6th, on your right.